
Archive for April 11th, 2010|Daily archive page

new and improved..

In Uncategorized on April 11, 2010 at 11:28 pm

so ME of all people knows what a powerful tool a blog can be!… but I also know that they can be VERY!! time consuming.  So I haven’t made this blog priority for a while but now in light of my participation with Parade Magazine’s What People Earn Project I know that now is the time to leverage this outlet, like it should be… So I am in the process of redesigning the entire blog!  that’s right peeps.. I am learning the language of CODE.  So in a few days (maybe a week) this blog will be completely new and reorganized to act as a visual resume for me.. Meghan Olesen and lucky 15 creative..  So in the mean time check out my progress on Parade Magazine…